ELDIM - Viewing Angle Series - VISIBLE LIGHT

ELDIM - Viewing Angle Series - VISIBLE LIGHT

Products & Services
ELDIM - Viewing Angle Series - VISIBLE LIGHT
ELDIM - Viewing Angle Series - VISIBLE LIGHT


Viewing Angle Series The viewing angle series products have been developed to bring a major competitive advantage in measuring and analyzing Viewing Angle for all kinds of displays. Applications can be multiples Automotive, Displays inspection Avionics. CubeX CubeX systems for production line color standardization of screens thanks to their easy implementation and their maximum action time demand (takt time) speed of less than 2 second per screen. With an on-axis spectral sensor and brand new Angular spectral mapping technology, the CubeX can provide extremely precise color information in a FOV of +/-60°. EZContrast MS This equiopement provides not only luminance and color at any incidence and azimuth angle but also the spectral radiance in all the visible range. Inside EZContrastMS different automated wheels allow selection of the light beam using 31 band pass filters regularly distributed in the visible range. Polarization and reflective options are also available for passive glass 3D display characterization and BRDF measurements.
ELDIM x UVR United Visual ResearchersUnited Visual researchers is a start-up that has developped a physical realistic simulation software based on accurate multispectral data, from measurements done by ELDIM’s equipment. This software perform the render in spectral and polarized mode and is based on ELDIM equipments measurements. It means that all lights and materials data come from measurements ensuring the reality and feasibility of the scene. The software make spectral simulations  using directly the color and spectral measurement results from ELDIM equipment, to obtain accurate simulation of any type of display with any type of illumination environment. The main goal is to render reliable images of virtual scenes to help designers to take effective decisions related to appearance. UVR - United Visual Researchers Reduce the need  for physical prototypes and mock-ups in the design process. www.united-vr.com  ELDIM develops and manufactures viewing angle system  in the visible light and NIR, and turn-key inspection systems. www.eldim.fr  ELDIM  ELDIM is a French company located in Normandy. With more than 30 years of expertise in display technologies and metrology, our team focuses on developing advanced optical metrology tools that always provide competitive advantages to our customers.  Our activity is divided in two divisions: optical metrology and optical shop. Based on home-made advanced optical designs, our products provide unbeatable resolution in angles.  Our own optical shop allows the manufacturing of the complex optics used in our systems. It is a key parameter in the development and prototyping phase for production projects. It allows a very fast validation of your future production process.  Since 1991, ELDIM's engineering teams have acquired a high knowledge in the optical analysis of angular properties of the light (in transmissive or reflective mode).  UVR - United Visual Researchers  UVR was created in 2017 to give designers and engineers a more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective way to build, test, and refine multiple prototypes and mock-ups in an interactive way. By combining years of experiences in large industries and scientific research, we developed cutting edge optical simulation software offering physic-based rendering, integrated with virtual reality. Our Mission:  To help you get the most out of your 3D CAD models by offering you next generation predictive appearance software.

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